triplle sugar reveiw

Today, the typical consumes nearly 200 pounds of sugar and 20 pounds of high-fructose corn syrup each year. These dietary changes are one of the major health risks for humans.

Our ancestral diet derived less than 40% of our daily calories from carbohydrates, and almost all of our food was in the form of fruits and vegetables. Today’s Western diets get more than 50% of their daily calories from carbohydrates. Most come from refined sugars, corn syrup and processed grains, and less than 25% from fruits and vegetables.

As pre-agricultural humans, our ancestors ate three times as many fruits and vegetables as Westerners today. As Dr James Chestnut, one of the world’s leading health experts, explains, “virtually all non-fruit or plant-based carbohydrates are toxic, and all non-fiber carbohydrates are toxic.”

There’s a much bigger problem here than the fact that obesity rates have trippy sugar more importantly, refined sugar has been linked to diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, depression, attention deficit syndrome, tooth decay, neurological dysfunction and immune system suppression.

The list of health problems associated with sugar is huge.

The Journal of the American Heart Association published a study of drinking just one 12 oz (oz) cup. One can of soda per day increased the risk of developing metabolic syndrome by 50%. These include high blood pressure, increased triglycerides, and a greater tendency for diabetes and heart disease. Specifically, they found a 30% increased risk of diabetes. Studies have shown that whether sugar or artificial sweeteners are added to soda, there are health problems.

Spinal subluxation is caused by stressors on the nervous system, whether these stressors are emotional, physical, or chemical. Since refined sugar is one of our most common chemical stressors, it’s easy to see how this major toxin for our nervous system contributes to the spinal subluxation complex, further complicating the health risks of sugar.

I list food into four categories.

1. My always list of foods I eat every day (eg raw, organic fruits, vegetables and nuts).
2. An occasional list that includes foods such as dried fruits, cooked vegetables and grass-fed organic beef, chicken or cold water fish.
3. The list I rarely eat includes cheese, hearty bread, sugar, and whole grains.
4. And the NEVER-NEVER list is all processed foods that contain chemical sweeteners, additives and preservatives.


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