What to Consider When Purchasing CBD Products

The CBD market has been booming in recent years, mainly due to the simple fact that CBD products help millions of people around the world fight various conditions such as anxiety, stress, pain, depression, epilepsy and skin problems . CBD products are also often used to improve overall well-being and promote good health.

This high demand for CBD products has naturally led to the rapid development of a large market, with numerous companies and brands offering thousands of products containing CBD and other phytocannabinoids. Unfortunately, some people see the CBD business as a great get-rich-quick opportunity and don’t care about the quality of what they sell or the actual benefits it brings to the end user.

This issue is closely related to the fact that the legal situation regarding CBD products varies greatly and different countries legislate in different ways. For example, CBD products marketed as food supplements are legal in the (but require a new food application to be validated by the end of March 2021), but in the currently no food supplements containing CBD can be sold without a new food approval.
The current situation is just right for creating confusion and mistrust among consumers interested in CBD products. Despite the legal uncertainty, we’ve prepared some clarifications and suggestions to help clarify how to separate “good guys from bad guys.”

What is CBD?

CBD stands for Cannabidiol, one of the most important phytocannabinoids found in the cannabis plant, especially hemp, and is associated with several beneficial effects on the human body. For more information on CBD, check out our previous blog “What is CBD?” .

Learn about “Types of CBD”

When entering the world of hemp and CBD, knowing the terms is very helpful in understanding the differences between the products on sale.

A “CBD isolate” is a very pure (greater than 98%) compound produced from hemp biomass extract and further processed to produce this natural isolate.

“Full-spectrum CBD” contains a variety of plant cannabinoids such as CBD, CBN, CBG, CBDV, and other compounds found in the hemp plant, including fatty acids, terpenes, and flavonoids. Full-spectrum CBD contains only negligible amounts of THC and therefore does not cause any psychoactive effects.

Why would you want to use CBD?

As mentioned at the beginning of this blog, people are using different CBD products such as CBD oils, pastes, oral care products, cosmetics and personal care products for many reasons. It is always a good idea to ask yourself when deciding to use a CBD product. What would you like to improve, achieve and strengthen in your body?

Another important question is which type of product will be best for you. For skin conditions such as dry and irritated skin, skin care products such as 10000mg CBD balms, serums, and creams are good choices.

If you are under regular medical treatment, we recommend that you consult your doctor before using CBD products.

Also keep in mind that we all have endocannabinoid systems in our bodies, but our reactions to CBD are different. Some people can feel the effects of CBD right away, while others will take a few days, if not weeks, to feel an improvement.

Check a product’s CBD source

The source of the raw material, i.e. the hemp biomass used to extract the CBD (and other phytocannabinoids in the case of full spectrum extracts) that ends up in the product, 30% CBD oil is another important factor to consider. Get information about the hemp growing process, including adherence to Good Agricultural and Collection Practices by CBD product suppliers.

read material

Checking the ingredient list and the amount of active ingredients is a general advice for any product purchase. Read the list of potential allergens you may be reacting to and avoid products with artificial flavors, colors and/or aromas and other additives. The amount of active ingredient, such as CBD, must also be clearly stated on the label.


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